The BCAT® Working Memory Exercise Book, Home Edition (Copy 1)

The BCAT® Working Memory Exercise Book, Home Edition (Copy 1)


This Exercise Book is designed for users at home who are interested in improving cognitive skills, enhancing independence, maintaining brain health, or lowering risk of dementia.  Because adult children and siblings of family members who have dementia may be more at risk for cognitive decline, this Exercise Book may be an excellent choice for mitigating risk.  This Exercise Book is most effectively used as part of the comprehensive ENRICH® program which is designed to promote brain health.  This book can be purchased by adding it to the cart below, or by ordering it on the Amazon website by clicking HERE.

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Essentially, working memory is the ability to mentally hold and manipulate information over a short period of time.  You might think of it as a cognitive “workspace” in which we temporarily store information we hear, see, or feel (tactile) in order to do something with it.  There are direct consequences to impaired working memory.  Reduced or impaired working memory means that one cannot efficiently make new memories and may be limited in performing life tasks.

Here are some examples of everyday working memory:

  • Remembering a new phone number or an address
  • Following directions—“Make a left turn at the traffic light, and the gas station is on your right.”
  • Remembering a person’s name just after meeting her
  • Making a mental math calculation—You want to buy an item at the grocery store, and you quickly calculate whether you have enough money.



These exercises are designed to promote neuroplasticity and cognitive reserve.  Neuroplasticity refers to the brain's ability to reorganize itself by forming new neural connections, especially through specific cognitive exercises. Neuroplasticity promotes neurons (nerve cells) in the brain to “rewire,” forming new circuits in the brain that compensate for injury and disease.  Cognitive reserve refers to the brain’s ability to tolerate brain pathology (like Alzheimer’s disease) with minimum cognitive loss (like memory loss).  This Exercise Book is designed to strengthen the brain’s defenses, to protect against deteriorating cognitive functioning, and optimize performance.  The exercises are intended to improve memory by concentrating the dynamics of neuroplasticity and cognitive reserve. 


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